Thoughts on John from J.C. Ryle

My morning devotional reading is from Daily Readings from J.C. Ryle , Volume 2: John. They are compiled by Robert Sheehan into a year long daily devotional book. While I usually make my Bible notes in a little spiral book dedicated to my devotions, some quotes have found their way into my commonplace book.


As I re-read the quotes I’ve copied from Ryle’s book, I think I see why he appeals to me so much. Nature permeates his words. He draws wonderful parallels between the wonderful world and the Creator.


Christ is to the souls of men what the sun is to the world. He is the centre and source of all spiritual light, warmth, life, health, growth, beauty and fertility. Like the sun, he shines for the common benefit of all mankind – for high and for low, for rich and for poor, for Jew and for Greek. Like the sun, he is free to all.


The story of grace must be told repeatedly, line upon line and precept upon precept. It is the constant dripping which wears away the stone.


But whatever mystery there may be about the wind, its presence may always be known by its sound and effects.

A page from my commonplace book.

Red Basket

A few friends have been doing a “book bag”, where they list their current reading. How fun! I want to join in, but instead of doing just my reading shelf, I thought I’d bounce around a bit. So next time I’ll do my shelf, but today I wanted to feature our “red basket”. It contains the books we read before bed and at lunch.

  • The Fellowship of the Ring: We love Tolkien. This one is from my 12yo’s free read list, and he is already noting differences between the book and the movie.
  • The Prince and the Pauper: From my 11yo’s free read list. We’ve just started it, I am hoping said 11yo will warm up to the book as we go – his first impression is that the book is too depressing, as he is also reading Oliver Twist.
  • At the Back of the North Wind: From my 8yo’s free reading list. We’re in the middle of this one.
  • Boyhood and Beyond: My husband’s book to read with the boys. Life has made consistency difficult with this book, but they all seem to enjoy it.
  • Prince Caspian: Our lunchtime read. We finished The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe last week, and are now in book 2. (Because you must enter Narnia through the wardrobe.)

Our "red" basket, with bedtime and lunch reads.


  1. dawn

    This is great. I love your basket. Rule is an author on my someday list, this makes me want someday to come sooner.

  2. Mystie

    Oh, I love Ryle, too! I haven’t seen that book, though; it’s going on my wishlist. 🙂

    Yes, LWW is book 1. I can’t believe there are people who think otherwise.

  3. Anna

    Love these quotes – I think I need to read some Ryle.

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