Adventures with Salt Crystals

A Quick Apology: The Learning by Hand link-up is going to have to wait until Saturday, when I can pawn these wild apes off on ask my husband to watch the kids. Seriously, I have been at low-power due to…
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Seeking Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
A Quick Apology: The Learning by Hand link-up is going to have to wait until Saturday, when I can pawn these wild apes off on ask my husband to watch the kids. Seriously, I have been at low-power due to…
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Generally, I read slowly. I didn’t used to, but I’ve come to appreciate leisure, which is required for education to take place; taking time to contemplate ideas. The practice of reading widely, deeply and slowly instead of quickly and superficially….
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Have you ever been intimidated by a book? I have. Currently that book is Adventures with a Microscope, scheduled in AO year 7. Eleven of the fifty-nine adventures are scheduled in year 7 (but you have to choose which 11…
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It’s that time of year. We’ve finished term 1 and it’s time to dive into term 2. I have three school age boys to plan for, plus kindergarten / year 0 for my daughter. My 8 and 10 year olds…
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I’ll spare everyone the day one details. In short, it went better than expected. We need to do math year round, because even just having a month off I had dual melt-downs of the “I can’ts”. We moved through that,…
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This year should be blessedly normal. I’ll have three normal Ambleside Online years, no combining. My 12 year old will do year 7 (something between full and lite), my 10 year old will be in year 5, and my 8…
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